CircuitMess Spencer - A codeable DIY voice assistant
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Build & code your own voice assistant
Ages 11+ | No prior knowledge needed!
Spencer is a DIY voice assistant who talks, lights up, connects to the internet, and understands simple voice commands.
He also has a funny personality, tells jokes, and finds new ones online.
Things Spencer can do as soon as you assemble him:
- Tell you the weather forecast for your area
- Tell you a joke
- Sing a song
- Set an alarm or reminder
- Show animations
- Make corny popular culture references
Talk to Spencer!
Spencer has a microphone and understands what you say (like, REALLY understands).
You can code new functions that will be triggered when you say certain sentences and words.
144 flashy bling bling LEDs
You’ll learn about hardware
- Learn how to solder and assemble your very own personal voice assistant
- Learn about microcomputers & electronics
- Find out how an LED grid display works
- Learn about sound processing
You’ll learn about software
- Learn how to code a microcomputer in C/C++ and CircuitBlocks
- Learn about the Internet of things
- Learn about artificial intelligence and how to make Spencer smart
- Learn about voice recognition and speech synthesis
Getting started with coding has never been easier
You can code Spencer in CircuitBlocks – our custom-made code editor similar to Scratch that makes it easy for beginners to get into physical computing.
Spencer has a build guide
Learn how to assemble your very own voice assistant by following a detailed build guide
What you’ll get in the Box:
Spencer’s circuit board includes a pre-soldered 144-pixel LED grid
The brain board – does smart stuff and includes a dual-core processor, a 16 MB flash memory chip, and power-management circuitry
Acrylic casing – this protects Spencer’s innards from the outside world
A big red button
Bag of other small components such as resistors and pushbuttons
Micro USB cable for powering your Spencer
5W Speaker
Instruction booklet – ready for your offline knowledge consumption